If you are wanting to go for a stretch type limo, know not all of them are the same. Picking a stretch limo means a lot of things from one that can accommodate the number of guests you’re bringing. How much also do you want to spend on a limo stretch, each limo has a different price tag. Choosing a style of the limo is important and knowing the accommodation too as you want to make sure you have enough room for everyone.
Like every other service or product, limousines are high in demand within months due to more special events. The price for a limo will go up for a period of time. To hire a limo if you are thinking of going on a Saturday, you will be paying more or bidding hire over someone else. If you go on a Wednesday when there are not too many people wanting a limo, you can find it to be more in savings.
The most majority of limo services or limo providers charge by hourly rate. The hourly rate is usually between broad $80 to $300 based on the style of limo and luxury. Different companies give their users a lot of benefits with luxury type limos. The issue is when choosing to hire a limo on hourly rate there is a minimum hour’s requirement. It is unlikely to rent for one or two hours.
Limo companies have its own rules as far as handling gratuity is concerned. Providers like to throw in gratuity to the rental fee. Some may be sneaky about this or some might not charge for it at all. Take into mind, if you’re going to request for a quote, don’t forget talking about the gratuity. It is normal for companies to add gratuity to their charges for a limo. This is always the case if the limo is going to a wedding, as they know the bride or groom won’t be carrying cash with them during the ride.
If the limo company is a lot further away from your end destination, the travel time distance is added to your bill. But this only happens when the drop off address is a long way from the base of the company. If the company is located so many kilometers away from the passenger’s endpoint, it means the driver has to travel another hour to get back to its original place.
Here at Book A Limo, our goal is simple – we want to show you the epitome of luxury transport and service. Whether you choose us for your wedding, formal, event, airport transfer or point-to-point service, we will always go the extra mile when it comes to our clients. We combine unbeatable luxury transportation with a proven track record of reliable, client-oriented service, endeavouring to make your experience an unforgettable one.